[h3][b]DCS World[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Crash during loading or immediately after loading a track - fixed. [*] Crash in the webrtc_plugin.dll - fixed. [*] Night time unit visibility, flickering white dots - fixed. [*] Major RU localization update. [*] MP. Su-25, Su-25T net phantom is not syncronized with pilot when server started paused - fixed. [*] Damage - fixed crash when crewman state change is not created as neglectable. [*] MP. Fixed multiplayer crash due to overflow of ammunition table. [/list] [h3][b]DCS Supercarrier by ED[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Crew only in one eye in VR in F2 view - fixed. [/list] [h3][b]DCS Flaming Cliffs by ED[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Adjusted Su-27 and Su-33 cockpit mirrors. Parts of the airframe are visible. [/list] [h3][b]DCS F/A-18C Hornet by ED[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Bloom around hornet nav lights appears too large/bright at distance - Fixed [*] Navigation lights very bright in day time - Fixed [/list] [h3][b]DCS F-16C Viper by ED[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Added AGM-88 HARM section with HAS mode procedures. [*] UFC Training mission static aircraft placement issue - Fixed [*] Added Viper AIM-9LM Training mission [*] Fixed typos and mission (Lesson 11) picture error [*] Added Viper AIM-120C training lesson. [*] Added Viper Lesson 13 - Air-Air TWS and LINK-16 Use [*] Added Viper training lesson 14 - Air-to-Air ACM and HMCS use [/list] [h3][b]DCS Campaigns[/b][/h3] [b]Memory of a Hero campaign by Stone Sky:[/b] [list] [*] In mission 13, the behavior of the AI ​​escort helicopter has been improved. [*] In mission 16, the error of choosing the ending was fixed. [/list] [b]Mi-8MTV2 The Crew Part 1 campaign by Stone Sky:[/b] [list] [*] In mission 7, the problem with landing on the first site has been fixed. [/list] [b]P-51D Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney campaign by Reflected Simulation:[/b] [list] [*] AI startup bug workaround [*] Mission 13 progression fix [*] improved D-day landings [/list] [b]Spitfire IX The Big Show campaign by Reflected Simulation:[/b] [list] [*] AI startup bug workaround [*] fine tuned AI speeds and trigger conditions [/list] Kind regards, [b]Eagle Dynamics Team[/b]