Mini Update
Author: bignewy,
published 4 years ago,
[b]DCS World[/b]
Reducing the CPU load when path finding a group of infantry.
Fix for liveries names of A-20G
Fixed crash at second landing.
[b]DCS F-16C Viper by ED[/b]
FPS dropped several times when gear UP on the ground - fixed.
A-10C The Enemy Within 3.0 campaign by Baltic Dragon.
Mission 2: added safeguard allowing players to skip the mission in case of bugs (AI ground units path finding problems)
Mission 8: removed landing flight of A-10s that got stuck at the end of runway, preventing Player's wingman from taxiing.
[b]Known issues[/b]
Torpedoes from U-boat or S-boat could be fired to unmoved targets only
MP: Ship speed calculated with errors and drifted, so aircraft can slide on the deck
PLAT camera view missing from the Stennis