[h2][b]Halloween[/b][/h2] [h3]2020 Sale[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4471395/a1500ee2e6749b461a75b4760831fcac2444329c.jpg[/img] We are pleased to announce our spooky Halloween Sale. Our EShop sale starts today at 08:00 PST and will run until the 8th of November with most of our products seeing up to 50% discount. On Steam, the Halloween Sale will start on the 29th of October at 10:00 PST and end on the 2nd of November. [b]Modules with a 30% discount [/b] [list] [*] P-47D Thunderbolt [*] The Channel [*] F/A-18C Hornet [*] F-16C Viper [/list] [b]Exceptions[/b] [list] [*] The F-14A/B Tomcat will have a 15% discount [*] The JF-17 Thunder will be only $64.99 [/list] [b]Modules that do not participate in the Halloween Sale[/b] [list] [*] A-10C II Tank Killer [*] Supercarrier [*] Syria [*] Mi-8MTV2 Crew Part 1 Campaign [*] F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign [/list] We hope this will give you an opportunity to grab some hot deals and add some serious fighters to your hangar. [h2][b]GBU-38[/b][/h2] [h3]Development Report[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4471395/f7f39e18fbd839b3a8b697aafe7a27537e2a7ff9.jpg[/img] The key feature for this updated JDAM is the new autopilot. This weapon now incorporates enhanced trajectory laws and provides the capability of programming for an impact with a specific terminal heading and vertical angle. These options are designed to improve weapon effectiveness depending on the type of target. The graph below demonstrates this effect. Effect of desired terminal vertical angle on GBU-38 bomb path [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4471395/35bbc62cce2f59bac0d2f217a4b2c486b5e31955.jpg[/img] Due to aerodynamic restrictions precise impact points are not always possible, in this case, JDAM uses an algorithm to check the impact heading and vertical angle. If the check indicates a noticeable miss, the algorithm will seek for conditions that will allow for an on target hit. In addition, to reduce the probability of a near miss and to improve ballistics penetration, the autopilot will command a zero angle of attack during the last seconds of flight. [h2][b]Viper AGM-65[/b][/h2] [h3]Updates[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4471395/eab6b88664d721f8c9d739451ea3446a97cdee33.jpg[/img] We encountered a target lock issue with objects in close proximity to the desired enemy. Symbology errors on the WPN page will be fixed in the next update. The seeker depression angle markers are currently being adjusted as well as the Sensor of Interest (SOI). In the next Open Beta update, the addition of the BSGT option and uncage ability will be added. The LOS handoff indication on HUD can also be expected. The possibility to engage target lock with two missiles prior to launching the first will also become available. It will be possible to ripple fire two locked-on missiles with RP 2 option. We are also working on the TMS-right re-command handoff. Thank you again for your passion and support, Kind regards, Eagle Dynamics Team