Free to Play | Multiplayer Development Progress | Calling on Content Creators!
Author: OBWKB,
published 1 year ago,
[h2][b]Free to Play[/b][/h2]
[h3]Development Progress[/h3]
In the Free to Play Program, you can test any participating module of your choice for a period of two weeks. Enjoy seamlessly transitioning to the next one or even try out multiple modules simultaneously. If you wish to reactivate the trial license after the initial period, you'll have the opportunity to do so after six months.
To participate in the trial, simply [url=]follow the link[/url] and click on the "Try" button next to the module. Once you've made your selection, proceed to install the chosen module through our user-friendly module manager.
For more details, please refer to these [url=]instructions on installing modules[/url].
[h3]Development Progress[/h3]
The new filters will allow you to much more efficiently navigate the select role screen, which often contains dozens of aircraft slots on sophisticated multiplayer missions. The filters can be added one by one to narrow the list of available slots you may be interested in. They include airfields or starting points for the slot, aircraft type and specific seat/role in the cockpit.
In addition, a special group of filters will be available to filter slots to only those modules you have installed. Another filter for which airfield coalition is currently the same as the slot, in case of the airfield being captured by another coalition. Moreover, hot start, cold start and air start slots filters. A free search field will allow search for any specific string; you can search for a username to see which slot is occupied by this user. As a second step, we plan to improve the interface after joining the server with additional interaction right on the map. Please follow the news for more details coming soon.
[h2][b]Stand up & Be Counted[/b][/h2]
[h3]Calling on you![/h3]
If you are a content creator, mission maker or server owner we want to hear from you! Get in touch now to get featured in our weekly newsletter! This is your chance to invite new friends, find co-pilots, build squadrons and share stories. Please do not hesitate to get in touch on our [url=]discord[/url] or on the [url=]forum[/url] now!
Thank you again for your passion and support,
Yours sincerely,
[b]Eagle Dynamics[/b]