[h1][b]Mind Stream[/b][/h1] [h2]Charity Event[/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/c/TacticalPascale][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4471395/5848be2c3645d88dd6487def757527f0e6e74e34.jpg[/img][/url] We will be hosting a 24-hour DCS livestream on the Tactical Pascale’s Youtube Channel to raise money for Mind, a UK-based mental health charity who work directly with those suffering. A team of committed virtual pilots from our community will be flying in DCS World for a full 24 hours, only pausing to host livestream events like Giveaways, Competitions, and live community challenges. There will be live training sessions, and we'll be playing the latest homemade “Arabian Nights” campaign mission that includes a 3-hour operation with real-player ATC, GCI, mission commanders, and 30 virtual pilots. [h1][b]A-10C II Tank Killer[/b][/h1] [h2]Development Progress[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4471395/6177c526f749fddf43aa9686637a60f09dc9f824.jpg[/img] As we prepare for the release of DCS: A-10C II Tank Killer by the end of this month, we are carefully checking the Flight Model’s buffet and stall implementation, instantaneous turn rate, sustained turn rate, and maximum speed at different altitudes. These checks enable measured parameters to match the flight manual charts with a precision to within 3%. We found that buffeting affects the airframe at a lower AoA than is stated in the manual, this affected aircraft handling during deliberate stalling. We are working on this issue, which will result in a significant improvement to overall aircraft behavior in this phase of flight. In parallel, many of the new systems are now functional including laser-Maverick, APKWS, and the GBU-54 LJDAM. Work continues on the Helmet Mounted Cueing System (HMCS) and associated HOTAS commands and updating the cockpit and external art. [h1][b]F/A-18C Hornet[/b][/h1] [h2]Updates[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4471395/49e2a8c2e49fc24982ba7f1375a375a69e3e53e4.jpg[/img] This week we fixed an issue with A/G radar heading figures overlapping when switching from Map to EXP1-2-3. Other strange behavior when switching between A/G radar EXP modes and A/A radar has now been resolved. When Unlimited weapons mode is activated, the salvo / ripple replenishment levels now display correctly. Threat circles on SA page now show even if the threat Icon is not visible. The SAM threat rings draw order on the SA page has been fixed. Swapping HSI/SA on left and right MDI now functions correctly. A fuel transfer issue from external tanks has now been fixed. Radio volume issues and the COMM AM/FM change on the UFC have been fixed. The ‘Throttle - HOTAS Warthog’ and ‘VPC WarBRD + MT50’ now have updated presets. Thank you again for your passion and support, With kind regards, Eagle Dynamics Team