[b][h3]Calling all Critters to the shore! 📣[/h3][/b] [h3]Happy World Emoji Day! 🎉 Let's spread the magic of those adorable pixelated images and sprinkle them into every sentence with delight ❤️[/h3] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44238006/01ed1059e41317da7a9655cac10c4b438d73b162.jpg[/img] [h3]If you share our love for emotes and wish to leave your mark on the Critter Cove server, join our [b]Cozy Discord Emoji Contest![/b] 🥳 It's your chance to showcase your original and charming emoji designs and [b]win the Potion Craft game key for your preferred platform![/b] ⚗️ Here are the [i][b]rules[/b][/i] 👇[/h3] [h3][olist] [*] To take part, [b]join our Discord [url=https://discord.gg/QtUafGf]here[/url][/b] [*] Only submit [b]your own designs[/b] (edits are also fine, i.e. KEKW Pokee or your original character making a Pogchamp face, as long as it fits the Critter Cove vibe!) [*] All emojis need to be submitted in the[b] #emoji-contest channel[/b] ❗ [*] The submission deadline is [b]24th July, 9 am PDT | 6 pm CEST | 5 pm BST | 11 am CDT[/b] [*] There is [b]no limit[/b] to submissions per person [*] Only [b]safe-for-work[/b] content is allowed! [*] Emojis will be judged by [b]our dev team based on: humor, creativity, cuteness ❤️[/b] [*] The winners will be [b]announced on 26th July, 9 am PDT | 6 pm CEST | 5 pm BST | 11 am CDT[/b] [*] Go wild and have fun! 🔥 [/olist][/h3]