[h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Remade tutorial level to include some more gameplay details. [*] Added various new SFX to interactable objects and ambient objects. [*] Added new music track to Derelict Hotel level. [*] Added NPC markers to the Compass UI. [*] Added an indicator to the UI for NPCs that are off-screen and alerted/suspicious. [*] Added an indicator to the UI for a clearer sign on what is and isn't a restricted/hostile area. [*] Fatigue bar will now pulsate when above 75%. [*] Made CorpID logs (text pop-ups on the left side of screen) slightly bigger and more logs are colored. Many players are missing information that shows up here. [*] Small color palette change to menus. [*] Added new Bench Vise weapon to Derelict Hotel level. [*] Added 2 weapons - 2-Piece Toaster and 4-Piece Toaster, both found in the Derelict Hotel level. [*] Slight hand IK adjustments to 2-handed blunt weapons. [*] Slight adjustment to space out the save system between frames. Instead of trying to save a lot of information in 1 frame - resulting in the game freezing for a second - I spaced it out over 4 frames, resulting in a small stutter as it saves but at least it won't look like the game crashed/about to crash. I can change this back if needed. [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed some issues with the Player character stats not being properly set when saving/loading. Stats should now properly save and set when loading different saves with different characters. [i]e.g. if you had a character that was Male on your Quicksave but a Female character on your Autosave, both saves will correctly represent the respective Player character.[/i] [*] Fixed crouch speed not setting properly when loading a save where the player character was crouching. [*] Fixed some Keypads not working properly. [*] Fixed some issues with the Pocket system and made it work with the save system; everything should now save and load properly, including the currently equipped weapon. [*] Fixed an Intuition skill check with the Skulls leader. [*] Fixed a bug where the Player character couldn't move if an NPC opened a door as the player character was lockpicking it. [*] Fixed a water puddle in the Mass Abode building not rendering correctly. [*] Fixed an issue where lower frame rates could cause the lockpick pointer to behave erratically at the smallest mouse movements. [i]This in turn I think made it much easier to lockpick, so I'll be updating this in the future depending on player feedback.[/i] [*] Fixed an issue where talking when/while resting and starting a dialogue would make the player character unable to move. [*] Fixed an issue where pressing the walk button while resting would make the player character slide around the floor. [*] Fixed an issue where starting a dialogue with slow walk speed and then ending the dialogue would cause the player character to move at the normal speed while playing the slow walk animation. [*] Fixed some unintended behaviour during Jackson's dialogue sequence [*] Fixed some sounds that weren't properly routed through volume channels, meaning pausing the game or changing the volume wouldn't affect these sounds. [*] Fixed some desynchronization between the NPC's physics puppet rig and Navmesh pathfinding when jumping over obstacles or holes, [/list] I've updated the demo 28 times but I'll just keep track of the bigger, more substantial updates like the previous one and this one - demo update 2. It will be the last big one before the game releases! Thanks for the support