[h1]New features:[/h1] [list] [*]Seasonal Merchant takes on an eerie new look [*]Pumpkin coins dropped from goodie bags. Used to buy new items from the Seasonal Merchant.  [*]Items sold by Seasonal Merchant: [*]Samhain Workbench [*]Eerie Chest [*]Skeleton Decor [/list] [h1]New Items:[/h1] [list][*]New crafting options in Samhain workbench: [*]Twisted Roots Torch [*]Candle Stack [*]Eerie Rug [*]Eerie Wall [*]Eerie Floor [*]Eerie Dresser [*]Eerie Table [*]Eerie Stool[/list] [h1]Bug Fixes:[/h1] [list][*]Fixed a commonly reported bug where pet names and talents couldn’t be assigned. [*]Fixed mod assemblies with a dot in the name not being loaded properly. [*]Fixed some materials in mods not being replaced with the correct ones after load. [/list]