Ver. 151.1 -Changed a bunch of global sync values to player sync -Added more efficient Tween pooling -Improved the display and lighting a bit -Fixed skills not being added to skill bar -Fixed some skills not stacking properly -Fixed another desync bug -Fixed mobs stacking on each other -Fixed Skill bar Cool-down overlay not clearing when moving skill -Fixed Crystals in other dungeons being synced with client -Fixed a case where mobs were not being deactivated once a dungeon de-spawns -Fixed a few boss name / HP bar positions -Changed Green Crystal Drop rate to +-3 RNG +1 per Cavern Floor so floor 1-2500 can drop between 1-3, Floor 2501-5000 drops between 1-4... you get the idea.(Green Crystals are capped to 25k til Rune system is fully released) -Increased Max packet size ClickRaid2 Rune Beta v148 -Fixed Rune level highlight bug -Fixed Normal's looking bad in the gray dungeon -Fixed Error when hovering over server buffs Ver. 147 -Fixed Boss Battle stage going negative -Updated Chat to using UDP transport instead of TCP(like it was last build) -Fixed a Char load in bug that was sending way more kill data than it should have been -Fixed Class icon not changing when changing characters -Fixed Target UI getting stuck on respawn in -Fixed a new player getting stuck bug where Treasure locations didn't reset when failing boss