Ver.277 -Weapon master now grants DPS bonus to Support and Tank role -Fixed an issue with bard buff values for bard not syncing correctly to client -Fixed an issue with buff values not overwriting old buff value when a higher level one is cast -Scientific notation should now display to 2nd decimal -Possibly fixed a null that was appearing on server when changing group leader -Fixed an issue with Talent monster points not calculating correctly when purchasing one that costs gold -Defense pen should update more frequently on the target UI -Fixed an issue with weapon master elements not calculating correctly when solo -Slight improvement to Berserker normal attack rune -Guild Discord link should only be changed by leader or vice now -Slight buff to Enchanter Ver.276 -Rune de-buffs no longer spam the target de-buff area -Improved the mob shader -Re-Balanced class damage active/passive's -Fixed Wiz Chain Lightning -Added ability to set a Guild Discord link -Fixed 3 rare server null's -Changed how Defense Pen works in a party, if within 10% of the highest member's Defense pen, you will use their Def Pen -Possible Fix for the rare bug that loads you in with 0 Guild Points -Fix for a display bug that can occur when leader starts boss rush and you haven't hit contribute or opened the weapon master UI until after it has started displaying level 0 buffs -Fix for bounce projectile's that wouldn't switch targets fast enough -Kicking guild member's now requires a second click to confirm -Disabled ability to spend server Quest Points when on beta or old version -Target UI now says to prestige when you have died twice in under 30 seconds -Equipment and Skills UI Title header change based on the button you click -Fixed issue with new players auto level starting at the incorrect tier