-Ancient Travel texts now let you spend 10% of what it takes to level for gold and scrolls -Targeting Revision 5, completely independent range based targeting in FFTT, Horde, Survival -Boss Seal slider should work better now -Fixed a number of stat issues not adding correctly or not applying correctly -Server Ancient Travel texts should show up correctly once unlocked -Fixed a Math issue that was preventing numbers from 0.00 - 1 from being greater than 0 -Fixed a Gem bonus total issue not adding up correctly -Fixed Gear record not adding correctly correctly -Fixed a bad instance verification letting members not fully qualify for being in a dungeon -Added another check to show stats on client that was preventing the client from seeing changes -Fixed a Gem drag and drop issue leading to gems littering the screen -Fixed ultimate attack flying at targets when it should have been stationary -Fixed a case that lead to skill chaining from double attack to proc to AOE'sthat was causing some server latency -Fixed Gem Healing bonus display bug -Added a notification to the player when a mob has them targeted that will help prioritize targeting in some cases -Fixed a bug with a player disconnecting during an event sending the party to the progression floor for that the event was at -Fixed a bug when cancelling a gem craft the stop button appeared as if it wasn't actually cancelled