-Guild Quests are now closer to old system except currency / Crypt quests have been removed. -Cosmetics are in and can be found in the Equipment UI -Changed some GFX display settings for better visuals -Fixed Survival getting stuck on floors less than 10 -Fixed a server lag spike when loading a floor when a player logs in -Fixed Mob HP sync issues -Fixed New Player bug that resulted in very large numbers being displayed until Astral power hit 1 ClickRaid2 Ver254 -Going to Caverns Twice in a row no longer resets floor to 1 -Fixed shield damage stat displaying incorrectly(didn't have large number support so it was going infinite) -Fixed an issue that could cause a mob to come back to life once killed -Increased Char info stat holder sizes so they don't overflow into other stats -Removed all guild quests that didn't involve the main farm instances and increased difficulty slightly -Increased Gold Drops in FFTT to help balance out the gold to seal ratio -Guild Points / Talents have been reset due to the points multiplying each login -Fixed a string display issue that could attempt to use letters that didn't exist once all were used -Increased fragments needed per Ascend while also increasing the bonus per Tier to compensate to add value to caverns, conversion takes place on login -Increased the delay that must pass before sending client DOT updates to decrease bandwidth(should have little to no visual impact)