Hi everyone, Time for a small maintenance update. There are some balancing and bugfixes here these include -For hire ships now sometimes spawn in your harbor -For hire ships if they get stuck or take to long also spawn in your harbor. -some balancing fixes not applicable to the demo (due to the late game content being locked) -commander HQ tower tops won't respawn every time you open the commander menu -ship pathing for traderoutes will now try to avoid other harbors -ship pathing for traderoutes will now try to go straight thru any drawbridges -removed chromatic abberation from map -fixed trade route danger levels now shown in map color coding -improved lip syncing -fixed some missing voice acting -various small bugs and issues Mouse changes -removed the mouse stickiness when flying the surveyor -when you turn of Hidden Build Cursor in the settings the cursor will now always be visible on the ground AND it won't reset when changing towers , giving a more conventional mouse feel on the ground. As always , please report any new issues as a result of this patch cheerio, Tomas