Tutorial Update
Author: Refractal,
published 6 months ago,
I've made a series of updates and quality of life improvements focusing on improving the new player experience. The major changes are outlined below:
[*] The Tutorial has been expanded into three segments that now explain the different game modes that are available.
[*] The shown UI bindings now dynamically update depending on if the player is using a mouse and keyboard or gamepad.
[*] The overhead tactical view has had a lot more info added including the unit types that spawn points generate, the controlling team and capture progress of capture points, and the path that spawned units will take from a given spawn point.
[*] UI soft locks have been fixed, but if you notice any more please let me know by submitting feedback.
[*] A variety of other small updates and balance tweaks have been made as well.
Known issues: There are some things I'm aware of, but still working through.
[*] There are some cases in split screen where if multiple players are in a menu they will block certain buttons from being interacted with.
[*] The first prompt in the tutorial assumes you are using a mouse, The rest of the prompts correctly identify Gamepad inputs.
[*] The Music audio levels are a little uneven. A volume pass is in the works.
[*] Giants and Magic units are only partially functional at the moment.