I intended to get this one out a day or so ago, but decided to double down on stress testing the update as it has a few more "pressure points" for bugs then the previous two updates. This one poses no risk to save files, but crash risks were higher. That said no major bugs have been found yet in it. Phase 1 changes: -There is now an "Easy" difficulty. This can be tweaked further, but currently it reduces enemy spawn banks by roughly 30% across the board. It will still ramp up near the final boss, but should slow down the first few levels. It also reduces most enemy damage and fire rates by 40%, as well as collision damage from crashing into other ships. -Added a L and R indicator (that can be switched off) under the graphical options. This should help with people's orientation when using broadside weapons. Major addition: -There are now ending scenes that reflect the players chosen captain. These will now happen when you warp away from the final boss, instead of just cutting to the stats screen. The stats screen will now also reflect if you die after defeating the final boss, but without warping home. Crash fix: -Fixed a rare crash when reverting to default keybinds and then attempting to switch controller modes. As always, post any bugs in the Steam forum, that's the fastest way to get a hold of me.