Hi everyone, It's been a long week and we're so happy our work of fixing all the various issues you have pointed out has been appreciated. Before we take a much-needed weekend off, we've got one more update to ship, with a lot of fixes in card and event interactions. (we'll still keep an eye on this thread just to make sure nothing slipped by). We’d also like to update you on the save data rework. Last night, we finished refactoring the save code, and we’ve spent all day stress-testing it to ensure stability. So far, everything looks solid, and it seems the data loss issue is resolved. We’ll continue testing over the weekend and, if all goes well, we plan to push the fix to the main branch on Monday. We can’t express how excited we are to finally have the most serious issues resolved—or very close to it. This means we can start focusing on adding features you’ve suggested, improving readability, and generally making the game more user-friendly. Next week, we’ll be focusing on one of the most requested features: ship customization. Many of you have asked for more meta-progression and more ways to tweak your starting ship, experiment with different equipment, and explore new combos. We’re also working on enhancing the end screen to make it more satisfying. You’ll soon be able to see detailed stats of your run, including enemies defeated, missions completed, nodes traveled, unlocks, and more. We’ll keep you updated throughout next week on progress and what you can look forward to in the near future. [hr][/hr] [h3]Bug Reporting and Feedback[/h3] If you have any issues to report, please use the[url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2118810/discussions/3/4848777619232153326/] bug reporting[/url] forum on Steam. You can also join our Discord and report your issues in our [url=https://discord.com/channels/772789695650332682/1289238907283570718]bug reporting forum[/url]. We also have a subreddit community found [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/Breachway/]here[/url]. On to the patch notes. [quote][h2]Changelog[/h2] [list] [*] Changed Draw Power's mass cost from 5 to 3 [*] Fixed Draw Power not having its cost affected by active Blueprint effect [*] Fixed Stripmine edgecase where, if production is maxed, playing it makes you lose 1 production as well [*] Fixed Stripmine being able to leave the player with 0 mass production capacity [*] Fixed Forced Draw edge-case where it adds extra heat despite you running out of cards in your draw pile [*] Fixed Focus Blast precision attack dealing no equipment damage. [*] Fixed targeting reticles on Focus Blast [*] Fixed Strike Assembly effect being removed by enemy playing missile card [*] Fixed Strike Assembly being able to cause a soft-lock in certain edge-cases [*] Fixed Strike Assembly not animating on entering/exiting [*] Fixed Strike Assembly not communicating properly when no missile is drawn (on turn end if no slot is available to add a missile card the active icon will turn to disabled state, reenabling itself at the start of the next turn) [*] Fixed Several Railgun Cards being tagged as belonging to the resource bay family instead of railgun (Draw Power, Impetus, Shatter Rounds, Battery Surge) [*] Modified escape pod events so AI crewmembers are automatically uninstalled and added to the cargo bay if there's no more empty slots on your ship [*] Fixed issues with contraband event, where engaging in combat would send you into another combat encounter on winning. Along with the issue of sometimes skipping nodes if carrying contraband. [*] Properly fixed the increasing fuel cost on the base difficulty [*] Standardized card add/removal costs between the store and the maintenance ship event (still varies by faction relations for the maintenance ship event) [*] Updated the card drafting view so it looks more consistent when there is a single card drafting option [*] Modified Tyrant combat event so it is counted as a destroyed enemy if you have the mission of destroying 6 enemies in the first sector [*] Fixed Colony Defender participants losing their correct portrait after the first battle battle, [*] Fixed Colony Defender edge-case soft-lock if player is allied with the pirates and attacks the Free-roamer ships exclusively during this event [*] Fixed potential soft-lock on second turn reload when fighting the investigator's ship during the Starkin Espionage effect, [*] Fixed potential soft-lock on second turn reload when fighting the research ship that discovered your hack during the Starkin Espionage effect [/list][/quote] [h3]Thank you! We deeply appreciate the incredible community forming around Breachway. Your bug reports, suggestions, and reviews are keeping us motivated and helping us pinpoint issues, fix them, and expand the game into something that has the potential to truly special. We couldn’t do this without your support! [/h3]