Hi friends, things have started to finally settle down, so this is a great moment to reflect on the conclusion of Tacticon, and what a fantastic event it was! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42857103/f4cab02521ec44d1b83573068886e405c989c898.gif[/img] [h2]Breachway Demo[/h2] Releasing our demo amidst a such exceptional games was both an honor and a slightly nerve-wracking experience. Our initial hope was that our demo would attract a modest number of players and perhaps be overshadowed by the larger games showcased at the festival. However, the response we received surpassed our wildest expectations! Each day of the event, we witnessed an average of approximately 1,000 new players installing the demo, thanks to the support of our dedicated community and the efforts of both larger (some very large) and smaller YouTube channels that created some amazing playthrough videos of our demo. Thank you so much! We also want to give a massive shoutout and a huge thank you to all the folks who played our game, sent us feedback, reported bugs, and shared their thoughts on our Discord. Your support and enthusiasm has fueled our determination to make Breachway the absolute best game we can create. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//42857103/06d94322ce1633a0e2274134f0d002a1d077bfbe.png[/img] [h2]Looking forward[/h2] As stated in the demo, what you got to play was just a preview of the core combat loop, there is still a lot we want to add both in and out of combat, as well as fleshing out the universe the game takes place in At this stage, defining a clear roadmap is difficult, considering there are still many unknowns ahead of us, and many possibilities we want to explore. Nevertheless, we would like to provide you with a glimpse of what you can potentially expect from Breachway as we move forward. While we can’t assign dates and a strict order of priority to what we are going to develop, we want to list the things we are planning to work on from now until Early Access. [h3]Expanding on the meta game[/h3] [list] [*] Fully defining and fleshing out the game’s factions [*] Faction reputation system driven by event outcomes [*] Quest system [*] Expanding on non-combat events [*] Exploring alternate game modes in addition to the “traditional” run-based roguelike game loop [/list] [h3]Unlockables and permanent upgrades[/h3] [list] [*] Designing and implementing a meta-progression system [*] Unlockable ships, equipment, subsystems, crew, etc [*] Unlockable skins (tied to quests and achievements, not grinding) [/list] [h3]Combat system[/h3] [list] [*] Active crew abilities [*] Crew experience and levelling [*] In-combat events [*] Alternate combat end conditions (player or enemy running away, disarming enemy, convincing him to break off engagement, etc) [*] Combat range - affecting weapons and various other effects [*] Combat maneuvers [*] Player and enemy drones/support ships [*] Drone fighter squadrons [/list] [h3]More diverse content[/h3] [list] [*] More characters and crewmembers [*] More ships, both for the player and enemy [*] More combat environments, some of which will have an effect on combat: Asteroid fields, Nebulas, Fights in the icy tail of a comet, a planet’s upper atmosphere, etc [*] More enemy and encounter diversity: Orbital turret emplacements, Space stations(?), Cargo ship raid missions, Capital ships [/list] Of course, bear in mind that due to the uncertain nature of designing a game that does not follow a predetermined formula, some of these plans may or may not work out in the end, but we are eager to explore all of these possibilities, and share in the journey with you. See you next month, Space Cowboy Victor