[h1]Day 1 Patch nodes[/h1] This patch addresses some of the most glaring issues we've come across during the first 24 hours of the game after launch. We have focused on improving the game's stability, especially when playing from 2 separate devices through cloud saves. If you have any issues to report, please use the[url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2118810/discussions/3/4848777619232153326/] bug reporting[/url] forum on Steam. You can also join our Discord and report your issues in our [url=https://discord.com/channels/772789695650332682/1289238907283570718]bug reporting forum[/url]. [h2]Change list[/h2] [list] [*]Added an achievement checker for cases where people had previously unlocked ships in the demo, and were thus unable to get achievements for it [*]Made stores be able to be visited multiple times [*]Fixed soft lock if quitting on the enemy's turn [*]Fixed data mismatch issues that could result in soft locks from playing the game from 2 different devices using cloud saves (still some edge cases left we need to figure out tomorrow) [*]Fixed an issue with the player ship status and faction relations UI disappearing in the cluster map. [*]Removed black rectangle that would show up in some events (Pirate Ambush and Solarii tade security mission - if you were allied with the Deadweights) [*]Fixed [b]Superposition[/b] giving tons of resources on turn end and having the wrong card art [*]Fixed [b]Uranium Slug[/b] dealing damage to destroyed equipment edgecase [*]Fixed [b]Impetus[/b] Support Card not getting the support cost discount from Blueprint [*]Fixed [b]Blueprint[/b] not resetting the mass cost discount properly [*]Fixed [b]Capacitor Upgrade[/b] not being playable under certain conditions not defined to the player [*]Reduced [b]Catalyst pulse[/b] cost from 3 ordnance 2 energy to 2 ordnance, 2 energy [*]Fixed some minor typos [/list] As we have made some sizeable changes to the way the data is saved to address some of the soft locks, please note that run progress will be lost after the update. [h2]Thank you so much for all your support in trying the game![/h2] We are hard at work on additional patches, which will cover the reported issues, and we are also working on improving the game's balance and adding more significant meta-progression elements. -- all reviews and suggestions are enormously appreciated, and we will use your advice to help improve the game together!