[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45022620/3e9a03ddfbb5483d3c636430b5fed842dce2a162.png[/img] Here we are, the first release of “Blue Hunter”! Before I cover what’s coming soon, let’s check what’s available for now and how often I will update the game. [h2]What is available now[/h2] [list] [*] 2 classes (Assassin/Warrior). The demo only has the assassin class. [*] Around 50 cards per class. [*] 50+ Skills. [*] 4 side quests. [*] 3 main quests (acts). [*] 30 monsters (quest II/III monsters still don’t have their unique behaviors). [*] 9 bosses. [*] 3 gods. [/list] [h2]Weekly updates[/h2] I am planning to do weekly updates for the next 6 months or so. This means the game should have 20+ patches coming. I pushed patches every 1-3 days when I launched the demo but I think the “one patch per week” formula is better for early access. This way you know every week you can check the game again and see new content. Each patch will be added around 6 PM GMT+1 (Paris, France). If I am late, feel free to ping me on Discord to check if there are issues. [h2]Roadmap (random order)[/h2] [olist] [*] The warrior class should only be unlocked after you win a run with the assassin. [*] Monster previews should only be doable after you have beaten the monster. [*] Adding a skill codex to show all the available skills. [*] Adding a class codex to show all the available cards (assassin & warrior) [*] Credits (I am a solo developer but I purchased assets from artists). The names will be added soon. [*] Skill level up in shop. Like monsters, skills can be leveled in the shop. [*] “Pain Trial” room. This one gives 3 great options to choose from, where one option is recommend by default. If you don’t choose the recommended option, you get a punishment, a negative skill. [*] God mode levels. I will be adding at least 10 levels of difficulty. Things like “You can’t use god cards, you can only have 15 skills, your level is capped at 30, etc…” [*] Achievements. It’s coming I promise! [*] Score system at the end of the run to display the overall result. Right now, it’s impossible to know the impact you had in the run. [*] Statistics: Tracking the runs info, how much damage you did, etc… [*] More options in the shop. Right now the shop always shows the same thing. [*] Multiple saves (up to 3) with the possibility to define a default name for all the runs. [*] 3rd class: Mage. Maybe a playstyle depending on two status effects like pyro/frost. [*] Trinkets. This is just an idea for now, it might even replace side quest rewards. A trinket is just an item you can attach to a card to add an extra effect. For example, if your card has this effect “Deal 5 damage”. You can add to it a trinket that adds “Draw 2 cards.” And now the card will do “Deal 5 damage. Draw 2 cards”. Just to add more card variety. [*] Following what I said before, I might add 3 different options with the starting deck (some sort of booster packs). So instead of having 10 cards you start with 7, then you have 3 options (3 cards each) to start from. Like 15), to add more card variety/playstyles [*] Demonic Pact. Right now this only shows if you lose before beating the first god. In the future I will add different options when you actually beat the first god. [*] More gods. The full release will have 9 gods. Right now the game only has 3 (one per main quest). [*] More skills. The full release will have around 200 skills. [*] Monster behaviors. Right now all the quest II/III monsters have the same moveset. It’ll be updated soon! [*] Fix Asian languages. Right now Japanese, Korean and Chinese have missing characters. I have the right text but I am dealing with some issues related to the fonts. I will try to fix this whenever I can. [*] Controller support. Not going to be any time soon. Probably towards the end. [*] More side quests. There are only 4 side quests right now but I will add at least 10 more. I am also thinking of disabling them in boss/god battles, and keeping them only to monster battles. [/olist] Along with a lot of QOLs and balancing. It's worth mentioning that there is no "meta-progression" in the game. You just unlock more content (cards, skills & difficulty levels). If you have any other suggestions, feel free to leave a comment. Thanks for playing the game, see you on Discord! Nour