[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45022620/981ee68d865c00ac703ad23ede71155d9807979d.png[/img] Next Fest is over. I have received some feedback and the game kept improving. However, there is still one issue that I haven't solved yet so I want to make a post about it. This issue is card variety. How do I make sure that there is enough variety among monster cards? Most roguelike deckbuilders suggest 3 cards after each battle so there is no issue there. But in [b]Blue Hunter[/b], the cards come from the monsters themselves. So this "basic" feature isn't possible, unless every battle has 3 monsters. Not practical. So let's say each main quest has 10 monsters, 3 bosses and 3 gods. Each main quest should have 16 cards. In total, that's 48 cards. You might think it's good enough, but these cards don't move between quests. For example, if you want a monster specific to quest II, you can never have his card in quest I. This means that I need to add other ways to get cards, in order to make sure there is a wide range of cards even in quest I. Some ways to do this are the following. [h2]1) Side quests in battle: [/h2] This is perfect for bonus rewards. The problem is getting an extra card might be seen as a bad thing, depending on how small you want your deck to be. So this doesn't work, unless the card is only suggested. [h2]2) Shop: [/h2] I just added 6 "poison" related cards in today's patch. The shop is one good place to have cards that can move between quests. [h2]3) Pain Trial: [/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45022620/28146a133b62387697089ecabce70e105a1f7cd3.gif[/img] I will add one last room called "Pain Trial". The concept is simple: you have 3 rewards with one of them being recommended. You can choose any reward you want, but if you don't choose the recommended rewards you get a penalty (negative skill). This room can contain cards related to monsters you don't fight against. [h2]4) Treasure chest: [/h2] I can add card options here instead of just having skills. [h2]5) Rest: [/h2] Same as 4). If healing isn't enough to make the room viable maybe having a card too will make it more interesting. [h2]6) Skills: [/h2] Add skills that suggest cards. For example: "When you beat a boss, get a random uncommon card." That's all I have so far. If you have better ideas let me know. Discord is [url=https://discord.gg/J9rFvB2T62]here[/url]. Thanks, NourSaiFR