Dear lords, To make sure the stability of the game operation and to improve the service quality and experience, Blood of Steel will be shut down for maintenance and update from 22:00 on May 26, 2022, to 0:00 on May 27, 2022, UTC. The game world will be closed at that time. We will close the game match and the login entrance at around 21:45. The account database will be under additional maintenance and backup to ensure the stable and smooth operation of the servers! It does not rule out the possibility of opening ahead of schedule or delayed due to specific conditions. Please arrange your time reasonably. Patch Notes: I. Hero Update 1. Alexander: Hero and troops will equip the resilience armor, not including the horse summoned. 2. Leonidas: Hero and troops will equip the resilience armor. 3. Godfrey: Killing the enemy in the state of [Zeal] will speed up the gain of Rage. 4. Han Xin: - Added the mechanism of the slow recovery of Focus over time - The cooldown time of [Fight Hard], [Last Stand], and [Reinforcement] is reduced to 5 seconds. 5. Dian Wei: The total HP recovered by [Blood Feast] has been increased from 1000 to 1200 6. Cecilia: - The Focus consumed by [Sepulcher Keeper] has been increased from 50% to 60% - The duration of [Curse of Weakness] has been reduced from 45 seconds to 30 seconds 7. Ma Chao: The [Armored Charge] of hero and troops reduces subsequent damage beyond the first 2 targets 8. Sibylla: The effect of [Snipe Formation] on long-range damage has been reduced 9. Gerald and Baldwin IV increase the collision ability. Light cavalry could be bumped off. 10. Bathory: Troops will equip the resilience armor. 11. The damage caused by all arrows will no longer be limited by the visual distance. As long as it can hit, there will be damage. 12. Two new factions have been added: Japan and Rome [img][/img] I.System Update 1.All Precious Treasure Chests are replaced with the Hidden Treasure Chest mechanism [img][/img] 2. The Awakening Skin will be a bound set after it is redeemed by the Awakening Crystals from the Awakening Path - Points for Awakening. - The Awakening Crystals you had before the update will be available as "Awakening Crystal Gift Box", which will appear directly in the Warehouse. You can open the box and choose any of the existing Awakening sets (tradable) or one of the new Awakening Crystals (bound). 3. The "Stardust Epic" skins from the Astro Workshop will also become bound (those obtained before the update will still be available for sale on the Market and will not be affected). III. Bug Fixed 1. Fixed the bug that Margaret's fire tower would count when killed. 2. Fixed a bug in the warehouse where the size of the decomposition button for the mercenary world materials was incorrect. 3. Fixed the bug that the scroll bar of the Token Warehouse could not be dragged with the mouse. 4. Fix the bug that the wings of Godfrey's Night Angel skin do not expand when using the shift skill to dash and slash. 5. Fix the bug that the birth point 7 of Gallia and the actual birth point of the map are not the same.