Dear lords, To make sure the stability of the game operation and to improve the service quality and experience, Blood of Steel will be shut down for maintenance and update from 23:00 on July 28, 2022, to 1:00 on July 29, 2022, UTC. The game world will be closed at that time. We will close the game match and the login entrance at around 22:45. The account database will be under additional maintenance and backup to ensure the stable and smooth operation of the servers! It does not rule out the possibility of opening ahead of schedule or delayed due to specific conditions. Please arrange your time reasonably. Patch Notes: I. Hero Update 1. Sarutobi Sasuke - Fast and Lasting Apostle Chest will be available. [img][/img] 2. Liang Hongyu:Added the effect of recovering HP after leaving combat 3. Cleopatra:Refresh the cooldown of skill "Charm Person" when using skill "Scale of Retribution" II. System Update 1. Battle Pass optimization 1) Add a single reward claim button 2) Increase mouse scroll wheel speed 3) Optimize background performance 4) After turning the page 20/20, you still need to click backward to display the rewards of level 153-160 5) Model position optimization 6) The weekly check-in can be clicked to display, and the red dot will prompt when it is not completed 7) After the leaderboard is opened, click the blank space to close the UI 8) Added the status display of [Owned] after purchase in Battle Pass Awakening Mall III. Bug Fixed 1. Fixed the bug that the button description was wrong when the Credits were drawn five times for Battle Pass Awakening 2. Fixed the bug that the actual experience gained and the displayed experience in the season mission "Use a hero with a proficiency level below 5 to increase 10,000 points of merit" were inconsistent, and it will be completed faster after the repair 3. Fixed a bug that Li Yuanba threw other players into an area where they couldn't get out in the map "Fort Belvoir" If you have any questions about the game, please contact us in discord or Steam community.