Dear lords, To make sure the stability of the game operation and improve the service quality and experience, Blood of Steel will be shut down for maintenance and update from 23:00 on June 2, 2022, to 1:00 on June 3, 2022, UTC. The game world will be closed at that time. We will close the game match and the login entrance at around 22:45. The account database will be under additional maintenance and backup to ensure the stable and smooth operation of the servers! It does not rule out the possibility of opening ahead of schedule or delayed due to specific conditions. Please arrange your time reasonably. Patch Notes: I. Hero Update [olist] [*] New hero Mochizuki Chiyo will be released. [img][/img] [img][/img] (The final effect is subject to the game) [*] Han Xin: the CD of [Reinforcement] is changed to 60 seconds. [/olist] II. Bug Fixed [olist] [*] Fixed the bug that Ling Tong's skill [Steady] countdown was not displayed. [*] Fixed the bugs of Battle Pass. [*] Fixed the bug of abnormal voice when summoning the followers. [*] Fixed the bug that when Han Xin was the first to selected in Siege Battle, the subsequent heroes will restore the Focus. [/olist] III.Others [olist] [*] Due to the revision, Battle Pass in June will be temporarily suspended. The new Battle Pass system is expected to be launched in mid of late July. [/olist]