After the maintenance update on May 26, a new benefit campaign is officially started! You can choose only one of the two benefits. Choose the corresponding benefit and complete tasks such as "logging in to the event page", "winning one battle per day" and "receiving 120 activity chests 4 times" during the event period. You will receive battlefield supplies such as Hero select pack, bright chests and a total of 23,000 Awakening Points! [img][/img] [b]--Honor Reward--[/b] [Reward] 23,000 Awakening Points, Hero Shard *15, Hero select pack*1, Victory Card *20 [Method] 1.Login to the event page and claim 1,000 Awakening Points (only once) 2.Claim 1,500 Awakening Points for winning a battle every day (daily task, total 12,000 Awakening Points) 3.Claim 120 activity chests 4 times during the event period, receive 10,000 Awakening Points, Hero Shard *15, Hero select pack*1, Victory Card *20 (only once) [b]--Battlefield Benefit--[/b] [Reward] 23,000 Awakening Points, Skin Shard *10, Bright Chest *10 [Method] 1.Login to the event page and claim 1,000 Awakening Points (only once) 2.Claim 1,500 Awakening Points for winning one battle every day (daily task, total 12,000 Awakening Points) 3.Claim 120 activity chests 4 times during the event period, receive 10,000 Awakening Points, Hero Shard *10, Bright Chest *10 (only once)