October 20th (UTC+0) Blood of Steel Will be Released on Steam Officially The medieval epic war game Blood of Steel developed by YC Games will be available on the Steam. Players will play as a general on the magnificent cold weapon battlefield, leading the army to fight, siege the city, and experience the original battlefield atmosphere. The official version of Blood of Steel will open servers, including Asian, North American, South American, European servers, and provide multi-language support, including Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Japanese, Thai, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish. Otherwise, there are four opening events to help players conquer the Steel Land! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36188276/a122a09d68f6c41b0812636a8a776fe66bc391ba.jpg[/img] As a game that simulates the medieval battlefield, Blood of Steel adopts the four-way slashing mode of Mount&Blade. WASD controls the direction of the hero movement, and the mouse controls the angle of view and slashing direction of the hero. For players who are used to M&B, they can adapt quickly; and in the settings, they can also adjust the attack direction, riding operation, etc. to find the most suitable one. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36188276/46bc8ce7225cd250c3290040d2e14b3dc34b6001.jpg[/img] In Blood of Steel, there are well-known heroes from various historical periods in the world. Each hero corresponds to their respective armies (12 to 40 people). Different legions also have obvious positions, roughly divided into cavalry, infantry, and ranger. The account that created the character for the first time can directly obtain 7 heroes including Ling Tong, Jean, and Arthur through the 7-day login event and main quests. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36188276/afcdf6685556c14feffd0f3e2d485382049e174b.jpg[/img] The game currently supports a 10v10 battlefield, which means it can accommodate up to 20 players and 1000 units at the same time. In dozens of maps with different weather, terrain, and styles, players cooperate with each other, relying on unexpected strategies to defeat the enemy is a necessary condition for the ultimate victory! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36188276/f0fa6ca8d6350a8818063b5db4042dae2448e72d.jpg[/img] Entertainment mode like Clash of Clones and Nemesis Draft, PVE mode will also be available in the game. Players can conquer their own city in Territory War, which is open at a specific time every week. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36188276/afcdf6685556c14feffd0f3e2d485382049e174b.jpg[/img] At the same time, compared to the final closed beta test, the official version will open more game contents. New heroes such as Catherine and Zhuge Liang will appear first. We hope it will meet the needs of players for different civilized forces. The Battle Pass will also be unlocked in the official version. Players can collect battle stars to upgrade tiers by completing weekly quests. As the tier level upgrades, you will unlock a total of four sets of unit skins for Leonidas and Hua Mulan, as well as a wealth of supply rewards. The Battle Pass Season 1 will last 4 weeks. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//36188276/ac6259b75687edb75f38afa62658c7d74d1b34b9.jpg[/img] Ranked Mode is also available in this version. Players need to keep winning in the battle to upgrade the rank. There are baron, viscount, earl, marquess, dukes, king, and emperor. With the promotion of the rank, players will receive rewards such as limited hero skins after the end of the season. Fight in blood on the battlefield of multiple civilizations! The medieval epic war game Blood of Steel will be officially launched on Steam on October 20th at 18:00 (UCT+8) /3:00 (PST) /10:00 (UTC+0)!