The first new hero in the New Year - Napoleon, will be released on January 7! He will bring the brand new weapon Artillery to the battlefield. Let’s take a look! [img][/img] The troop led by Napoleon is a 40-men French Rifleman with spiked muskets. After activating “Rifle's Shoot”, every unit can shoot once to the enemies within range. The French Rifleman’s musket can also be used as a melee weapon with the spike and can fear horses! In addition, they can form the “Hollow Square” in the designated area, which automatically puts the unit into the “Spear-Wall” state and slightly improves their defense, and slows down the movement speed. [img][/img] Napoleon has 100% Focus at the beginning and recovers 1% per second on the battlefield. He can summon artillery in front of himself (it costs no Focus and cannot be destroyed) and transfer to operational mode, slowly pushing the artillery to move. Napoleon can cost 20% Focus to shoot a shell. The shell will explode on the ground, cause damage and knock down the enemies within a rage. If the shell hits an enemy unit in mid-flight, it will knock him down and the flying speed will slow down. When the flying speed drops to zero, it will land and explode. [img][/img] The above is the introduction of Napoleon’s skills. Let's see how the new heroes perform after he is released!