Monarchs happy after the festival ah! It's planning FAQ time again, this period Xiaobao will be concerned about the package body slimming, monthly card revamp and competition system and other issues told the planning greatly, let's take a look at the planning of the answer! [b]Q1:How's the progress about optimizing the game's package size?[/b] Is hot in progress, frequent package optimization will probably last until the beginning of November, when you will see very obvious changes, this time the goal is to slim down to 35G or so, substantial liberation of everyone's hard disk space. Then after that it will be changed to a longer period of low-frequency continuous optimization. [b]Q2:Can qualifying be open all day?[/b] In order to make everyone have a better game experience, the opening time will not be adjusted for the time being. All-day opening will lead to the following consequences: 1, the number of early morning matches is small, matching time will become longer 2, early morning players will be easy to repeatedly match together, leaving a loophole for malicious brushing, even if non-malicious brushing, has been matched together will cause the matching mechanism is essentially ineffective, the imbalance of strength is more serious phenomenon. 3, the lack of sleep is not good for the body, but also cause the possibility of hanging up, not only affecting their own health, but also affecting other players game experience. The lack of sleep is not good for the body, and will also cause the possibility of hang-ups greatly increased, not only affecting their own health, but also affecting the game experience of other players. [b]Q3:Hopefully there will be a mode with more people involved, like 15V15[/b] Currently there is no plan to make a mode with more people. The main reason is that after the number of people increases, the number of generals and soldiers will increase dramatically, the carrying capacity of the server and most players' computers is close to the limit, and situations such as lagging and dropping will occur in large numbers. In the future, when conditions allow, will consider to real-time cut the battlefield multiplayer pvevp battle mode to try. [b]Q4:The current monthly passes often don't have their favorite skins, and the rewards are a bit one-dimensional, so I hope more new things will be added![/b] Subsequently, the monthly card system will do a consolidation and revamping, which will provide more item redemption and in-game service functions (it is expected that it may include data collection, display and some other functions). At that time, the activation of the old monthly card will be turned off, but not the redemption, and existing activated players can continue to redeem. [b]Q5:When is the previously promised contest coming out, can't wait![/b] At present, we are making the invitational tournament board and the related system of video playback of the game, and after the completion of the production, we will gradually open up the players for testing, and then we will add the audition tournament and the interactive module of the tournament in succession to form a perfect tournament system. We hope that the future tournament will become the norm of Iron Armor. [b]Q6:New generals! Hurry up with the new generals! Don't be a pie in the sky, be precise![/b] It is expected that the next new general will be introduced in the new season at the beginning of November, and who the new general will be has been the subject of some previous spoilers on the official website and in the community, so you can take a guess. [b]Q7:Some of the moves in the game now are also too useless, I hope it can be strengthened, and it's better to come out with a one-click combo function again.[/b] There are already plans for this in the works. We are experimenting with new move design options, hoping to make fighting in Legion less boring and have some rhythm and skill in it. At the same time, we also have plans to adjust the basic operation, to make the basic operation easier to get started at the same time can also have a good depth of proficiency. However, the plan is still in the stage of trying and adjusting, the degree of completion is not high, and can not be described in detail for the time being. [b]Q8:The new city war map adds a lot of new mechanics, featured NPCs, and the behemoths are pretty good. But it's not enough, more new maps are needed, preferably sea battles![/b] At present, the new Legion Battle map and the new City Battle map are in the planning, and will be released in the subsequent version one after another. As for the sea battle, also in the planning, but the sea battle production difficulty, the content will be more, at present temporarily unable to prioritize the production, waiting for the subsequent version of the conditions allow can start production. [b]Q9:A lot of martial arts mechanics are now more complex than earlier martial arts, and the skill descriptions are getting longer and longer, so I want something a bit more simple and brutal.[/b] In the process of making generals, it is true that there are some generals that are simple, and some that have more complex mechanisms, and now under the premise that the production of new generals has slowed down, the adjustment of the mechanisms of the old generals will continue. Mechanical adjustment of the old generals has two purposes: 1, optimize the skill mechanism, so that the operation is simpler. 2, adjust the mechanism effect, so that the operation is simpler. 2. Adjust the mechanism effects to make skills more effective. If necessary, martial arts generals will be redesigned. For the creation of new martial arts generals, we hope to try to have fresh designs in there to inject some fresh blood into the game. But again, we will pay attention to the above two aspects and try to make the skill mechanism design as simple and effective as possible. [b]Q10:Legion Warfare hasn't had a major revamp since it opened, could there be a major update like the 20 year old Cavalry revamp?[/b] Attempts to improve the Legion Battle are also underway, the current Legion Battle is closer to ignoring all the pre-preparation process and directly engaging in a high-intensity dueling confrontation, which is a more suitable mode for high-end players to compete in. And before such high-intensity confrontation, for ordinary players, but also need some more pre-process, so that players on the battlefield and teammates gradually familiar with, in order to organize a more effective battle. Based on this consideration, would like to develop a new mode that can fulfill such a need. But the adjustment of the gameplay, the process will be very difficult, need to constantly adjust or even overturn to start over, at present, there is some progress in this regard, but it is still far from the desired effect, need more time. The new gameplay will not overthrow the original gameplay, but rather build a more effective bridge between casual and tournament play, allowing the average player to be more grounded and gradually reach the level of a tournament player. Based on this foundation, evolution through continuous improvement can eventually reach an ideal height. [b]Q11:I'm tired of the existing gameplay, when is there going to be a new one?[/b] As stated in the title above, if the new Legion Battle is improved and evaluated for external testing, it will be opened up to players in a similar way to the Play Lab for further evaluation and improvement. Well monarchs, those are all that's left of this planning FAQ. Please give us a little more time, the promised package slimming and tournament system are being rushed, and new martial arts generals will be introduced for the new season! Monarchs have any other questions you want to know can leave a message in the comments section to tell us, you can also fill out the online document, we will not see you in the next planning FAQ. Document address: