To offer our users better experience and improve the stability of the game, we will update the system from 17:00 to 20:00 on December 5th, 2019 (Pacific Time). During the time, we will close the game world. At 16:45 (December 5th, 2019, Pacific Time), the game matching will be closed and cannot be logged in. The account database will be fully maintained and backed up to ensure the stable and smooth operation of the server. The maintenance may be advanced or postponed due to working conditions. Please arrange your time. update content After the maintenance, these gameplays will be opened from 19:00 to 23:00 during the Closed Beta Test: 1. Siege Battle 2. Rank 3. Collaborated Campaign Due to the Closed Beta Test, considering the number of players, the open time of gameplays will be limited, and the actual time will be adjusted After the server maintenance, we will inform on Steam Community Hub. Please pay close attention to the announcement and tell each other. We apologize for any inconvenience the maintenance may cause and thank you for your strong support and willingness to cooperate with us all the time! R & d and Operations Team