Not the best news today, An decision was made today to stop further development on the Mac version of the game until Art of Boxing, is more developed, and closer to a complete product. After wasting far too much time, trying to get the Mac version to function (even remotely close to the PC version) I have decided that my time can be better spent elsewhere - pushing the progress of the actual game, instead of optimising for various platforms... I say this with a heavy heart, as my father bought a mac in 1984, and I was raised on them. But unfortunately the architecture of their graphics system today does not lend itself well to next generation game development... and all I have run into is obstacles. Don't get me wrong - its not that macs are bad, quite the contrary actually - they use new advanced graphics shaders, developed by Apple, for their products, and therein lies the problem. Maybe if I had a good new mac (mine is 2011) I could work on AOB in that environment - but for the foreseeable future - mac users will have to run Bootcamp to play AOB... sorry to let you guys down. Now there is one other option - I can downgrade the entire graphics system for the mac version - to comply with their hardware - but this takes quite a while - and I would prefer to do this when the game is complete... It honestly wouldn't look that much different really in the end. But that being said - if you are a Mac gamer out there - you might as well install Bootcamp because these game engines are not very friendly to you guys. Rumplestiltz