First off, I decided to wait on the updates and make a nice big one this week - and wow its kinda serious! First off the major change is the Crowd. Totally new realistic hi poly models for close to the ring, and lower models in the distance. I also got rid of those stupid smiling dudes, they looked horrible. Anyways, in my efforts to figure out how to fill a stadium with models (that aren't smiling low poly, crappy looking models), I ended up staying up 72 hours straight, working on the game. By day two, I had learned about 8 different ways to render 1000+ animated characters on one screen, and finally on day two, had found the one way that worked for my objective.... Originally I thought, I'll just do the crowd quick and call it an update~! Wellll after figuring all these optimizations out, I realized, hey, I can do this to the whole project! Long story short - there were a few objects in the game that were very complex, like the barb wire fence, it involved hundreds, if not thousands of meshes and textures and materials. Now I figured out a way to make it ONE, but keep it looking the exact same. While doing this, I found that the new way of rendering these characters made the game have some interesting AA and reflection issues. So I googled, "How to make really good graphics in Unity"... and wow, Big up Brackleys~! So yeah NOW the game looks completely different, I found out that after working in HDRP, NONE of my post processing effects were showing up. Now that is not the case anymore, thanks in part to that video!.... While fixing the lighting, it gave me a chance to open up every single scene in the game, and when I got to the fight scene, I decided, hey LETS MAKE THE ACTUAL BOXING BETTER LIKE EVERYONE KEEPS COMPLAINING ABOUT. I set the round timer to half an hour and put two fighters in with high stamina, and started tweaking everything. FINALLY I had a mini-breakthrough when it came to collision detection. Its still not perfect, but I'd say its about 75% better than it was! You can almost snap heads back like it want it.. But its still a WIP! (This will probably be the one thing I tune forever...) SO to sum up the major changes: - BETTER GRAPHICS - BETTER COLLISION - BETTER AND LARGER CROWD Also this update features a million bug fixes and other things: - A Ring girl holding a Round card in between rounds in Quick Fight mode. - Bruising and swelling now shows up properly! - Slowed the game down a lot - Tweaked the values and effects of all the attributes - Fixed the sparring ring and the training gym (it should work as intended now) - Fixed an issue where both fighters were the same in quick fight mode if you changed the shorts back and forth. Now you are forced to select Player 1 first (with shorts) AND THAN Player 2. This way the fighters load correctly - Changed the main Camera View. - Changed the button for clinch on keyboard to C - Changed the buttons to switch cameras on keyboard to -/= - Optimized every single object in the game, to make it run faster! Thanks for reading and enjoy the game~! Tell your frens~ Stiltz