[b]Thanks everyone for the feedback, and bug reporting! Got some great changes to Weapon/Utility balancing, and bug fixes. Also I'm really trying to push the game up the Steam charts before the release in a couple months, so telling your friends or leaving feedback goes a long way![/b] [b]🔻Sidearm (W)[/b] Update: Charge Shot, adds up the weapons base damage and multiplies it by each charge. Also added a confirmation sound when an overheat cooldown is complete. Previous: Too embarrassed to say. [b]🔻Missile Salvo (U)[/b] Update: Now has Primary and secondary fire modes, and auto calculates missile distribution based on target's health, insuring extra missiles are not fired at a target. Update: 8x25 Projectile DMG (200 Max DMG) 1️⃣ Primary (Press): Targets a single target with the highest health. 2️⃣ Secondary (Hold): Targets multiple targets. Previous: 8x15 Projectile DMG (120 Max DMG) [b]🔻Gun Buddy (U)[/b] Update: Added a secondary fire 75 Ammo Capacity, .25 ROF, and 4 DMG (300 Max DMG) 1️⃣ Primary (Press): Drops Gun Buddy next to player 2️⃣ Secondary (Hold): Throws Gun in aim direction Previous: 150 Ammo Capacity, .1 ROF, and 4 DMG (600 Max DMG) [b]🔻Flak Grenade (U)[/b] Update: 15 Radial DMG + 16x11 Projectile DMG (191 Max DMG) Previous: 10 Radial DMG + 16x10 Projectile DMG (170 Max DMG) [b]🔻Proximity Mine (U)[/b] Update: 150 Radial DMG Previous: 90 Radial DMG [b]🔻Miscellaneous Fixes and Changes[/b][list] [*] Fixed Lockdown getting stuck when "kill remaining enemies" shows up and no enemies remained. [*] Removed damage to player from all player derived explosive Weapons and Utilities. [*] On Respawns added a 1 second delay before taking damage. [*] Lowered Lockdown Events to 2 Waves. I know, I'm very kind :) [*] Bomb and Electrical Drones won't swarm death locations. [*] Can no longer skip the Tutorial Level. It's short and fun okay. [*] Fixed XHumans (Zombies) getting double hit cheap shots sometimes. [*] No more meleeing the Mantis Mech Boss when not vulnerable... soooooorry. [*] Did some rearranging of items, and other crap I can't remember. [/list] If you ever have any bugs to report, or feedback you'd like considered share it on our official [url=https://discord.gg/ENgvnzbvgu]Dykom Discord Server[/url]. Thanks for playing! [b]- Mike Garn / Dykom Software[/b] CONNECT: [url=https://discord.com/invite/ENgvnzbvgu][img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b1d88f9cc8fedb159735210/1fdba116-122c-4016-a621-007085a66540/mg_discord.png?format=300w[/img][/url] [url=https://twitter.com/DykomSoftware][img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b1d88f9cc8fedb159735210/1532226065210-2CBTY1KZ38HIGD9KQTYT/mg_twitter.png?format=300w[/img][/url] [url=https://www.dykomsoftware.com][img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b1d88f9cc8fedb159735210/0a3d7a7a-b7aa-46f6-bc15-2421e448e2b9/mg_dykomsoftware.png?format=2500w[/img][/url]