Animaze v1.26.11983 Small UI Tweak for One-Time-Payment in-app page
Author: Animaze Fluffo,
published 1 year ago,
We have tweaked the Animaze 22 Plus/Pro DLC one-time-payment in-app page to reduce ownership confusion:
[*]the purchase button now has been renamed to "Visit Steam Store Page" and opens the Steam store page (in the Steam overlay) of the DLC in question, this way you can check ownership directly through Steam's store page system.
[*]the UI will show "Owned and Installed" if the DLC is owned and also downloaded. If you own the DLC but don't have it installed/downloaded, the "Owned and Installed" button becomes "Visit Steam Store Page". You can activate the DLC by going to Steam Client, right click on Animaze, going to Properties, going to the DLC tab, check the DLC you want to activate.
The safest way of checking if you own the Animaze 22 Plus/Pro DLC is to either navigate to their store pages in Steam Client (should show "In library" if owned), or the Properties > DLC tab of the app in Steam Client (should appear in the list).
As a reminder, the Animaze 22 Plus/Pro DLC is a separate application, a version of the base Animaze application with subscription perks, features, and content received until August 2022 (critical bug fixes have been and will continue to be pushed).
The Animaze 22 Plus/Pro DLC app can be launched with a couple of options:
[*]Go to Steam Client and launch Animaze. You'll be prompted with two launch options: Animaze (which is the freemium subscription-based app) and Animaze 22 Plus/Pro which is the DLC app (one-time purchase version)
[*]Navigate to /Animaze2022/Bin/ folder and run AnimazeDesktop.exe.
Happy streaming,
Animaze Team