[b]Welcome to the first update of 2022, Animaze community! [/b] Throw your hands up in the air for our new features:[b][url=https://animaze.tv/gamepad] Gamepad Puppeteering Support[/url] [/b]and [b][url=https://animaze.tv/mouse]Keyboard prop for Mouse & Keyboard retargeting[/url][/b]! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38657414/9af245735d89a68c37f4d096ba7bfcc407e1595e.png[/img] [b]Here is the breakdown of the new Animaze goodies:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Gamepad Puppeteering Support[/b]: Wave your hands using the gamepad analog sticks puppeteering. You can use this to do all sorts of things that will spice up your stream: from triggering special actions, emotes and poses, to positioning and moving the avatar in the scene Read more about it in our dedicated article [url=https://animaze.tv/gamepad]here[/url]. [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1831277362740830563/B034CB5EC6DD61096AB11F9FE83240DF4EFDD31C/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false[/img] [*] Keyboard Prop for Mouse & Keyboard retargeting: This can be customized by changing the size of the keyboard/mousepad prop changing offset changing the distance from hands to the keyboard. Learn how to use this prop in[url=https://animaze.tv/mouse] our dedicated article here[/url]. [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1831277362740838130/95C95478EBA8A2F39E4BD6D3E9266141A00930BD/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false[/img] [/list] We have also included the following bug fixes and improvements: [list] [*] Tweaked Dynamic Lights light sources positioning [*] Optimized audio latency for Audio-based Lipsync trackers [*] Fixed save/revert issue with High-intensity smoothing option for Body and Head sections from Advanced Tracking Configurations [*] Fixed save/load issue with props which made it so the position be changed after loading [/list] Here are some new UI tweaks as well: [list] [*] Moved <> to the left bar menu [*] Centering issue with recording and broadcast bar has been fixed [*] The <> has been updated [*] Updates on the wording in various sections of the app [/list] We are working on the following known issues: [list] [*] On Personas customization if you only retexture without any other customizations, the save button doesn’t work. [*] On Personas Hoodie pattern doesn’t always save. [*] Personas avatars have a glitchy interaction when using Mouse & Keyboard retargeting (with the prop) and special actions. [/list] As always, we love hearing what you think about the new content and Animaze! Tell us what you’d like to see added to Animaze on our [url=http://animaze.tv/discord]Discord [/url]server, email us at support[@]animaze[.]us, or message us on [url=http://animaze.tv/twitter]Twitter[/url]! [b]Happy Streaming With Animaze 1.0![/b]