Each family member has skills, and their skill level affects the speed and quality of their work. When people work together, the lesser skilled ones (typically children) gain more XP when they are accompanied by more talented persons. Also, they perform better when instructed and guided by others. This is affected by the parenting skill of the teacher and the general skill of the student. Some skills, like smelting iron, are so hard to learn that it might easily take a few generations of accumulating experience to master the secrets. A recent addition is pottery skill, and the related items and tasks. Crafted clay items need to be fired in a kiln to turn them to ceramics. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44994642/e13c6e35c48b87e07c66339cdfccd9b415d4ed52.png[/img] More ailments and accidents are being added. The likelihood of an accident taking place is affected mostly by character fatigue, and partially also by skill. An accident can simply spawn an ailment, or it can trigger an interactive text story, so that player decisions affect the outcome. Skills, ailments, accidents and interactive text stories are defined in XML, just like other game elements. That makes them fully moddable. It is possible to add new skills, or to modify the learning curve of each skill. Same with items, terrain types, tasks etc - the modding system allows adding new entries, and also adding new variables to existing entries. The modding language can handle variables and logical conditions. For example, the likelihood of this or that task outcome can depend on a combination of variables. A recent addition is GOTO statement which can be used to conditionally control the script flow. The development continues with improving the AI. Now the AI can keep the family alive raising a child to adulthood, then passing the game control for the player. Next the AI needs to be adapted to run the other clan families while the player is taking care of one family unit.