Hello everyone! I wanted to let you all know that there is a campaign running for a limited edition Puppet Pol plushie! We'll need to reach over 200 pre-orders to start the production. Just like any other crowdfuning-like campaign, if it doesn't reach it's goal, you'll just get your money back. : ) So in case you like to have your very own Pol at home, go ahead and spend a small amount of Toothwheels! ((Dollmaster not included)) Store Link: [url=https://www.makeship.com/products/puppet-pol]Puppet Pol - Makeship[/url] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMdUqMfbwAAuxFA?format=jpg&name=4096x4096[/img] In the meantime, we started working on a standalone expansion for/of Alisa! It'll be built-up from zero with just a tiny bit of old assets and code from the original game. This means that I can finally say goodbye to all those nasty bugs that came with the old code. I won't be updating the original Alisa game anymore. It will stay as it is now, jank but an important piece of our legacy. [img]https://i.imgur.com/SmyO3k1.gif[/img] More progress of this Expansion will be posted frequently on our official Twitter and Instagram. Another small thing (old news though), I released a small retro game at the start of this year. In case you missed it: [url=https://caspercroes.itch.io/phenix-corrupta]Phenix Corrupta - MSX2[/url] A physical release is being produced and up for pre-order for those who like to collect cool retro things or wants to play it on their old MSX2 machine. (because it's an actual 8bit retro game) Old-school advertisement style trailer: [previewyoutube=i4mds4F06E8;full][/previewyoutube] Thank you very much for reading this update and see you in the next one! - Casper Croes