Hello everyone, Here is yet another update. Mostly bug fixes such as: - Fixed partyhat stacking on statues wall puzzle bug. - Several fixes for kitchen enemy. - Shoot slide walk fixed. - Subtitle fix in intro cutscene end boss. - End boss battle fixes enemies and player clipping stairs. - Enemies in end boss battle now dropping ammo. (became way easier this way) (Might give the end boss more health scaled with toothwheels spend in next update) - End boss and enemy in second saferoom a tiny bit less aggressive. (less fast attack spamming) - Monkey enemy less possible to slide and go crazy. - Elevator rooms now correctly showing on map. - Upper library door locked showing on map correctly. - Pendulums will now correctly swing when using the ladder. - polished/fixed the quick rotate when using modern controls while camera swaps. More update(s) to come this week! Have fun!