Hello and a Happy New Year! Here is hopefully the last major bugfix update! - Enemy pathfinding fixes - Fixed enemies not attacking correctly (Edmiston not attacking is also fixed) - Fixed Hanz Rounds in Elise's Waves game - Pulse Meter / padlock code finally fixed - Fixed disappeared emblem for some players. (a rare bug but for anybody who lost their emblems, they will not have it back) - Sliding while healing in certain knockdown states should be fixed - Fixed magically item restocking while entering The House of Fun Known issues: - The ladder stuck climbing bug might still be present but I haven't encountered it myself. I did find a small issue with, fixed it, but not sure if it's completely fixed with this. - Enemies attacks has been tweaked but not tested enough. Please comment if there is an enemy not attacking correctly. - Since I updated the pathfinding, I noticed a slight dip in the fps. Shouldn't be a problem on modern systems. - While testing on another device, the "Play" button in the menu didn't do anything. This was fixed by removing the files from %appdata%/LocalLow/CasperCroes/Alisa. (Watch out, don't delete your save files ".sav") Additions: - Added more enemies to areas while you progress the game. Making the mansion less empty by the end of the game. - Every couple of enemies you kill adds an extra item in stock (in the shop). - Collectors in the prologue mission can now be "killed". The cutscene will play as usual but you get a reward after waking up in the Dollhouse. - Added Camera Shake when the ground starts shaking in the forest cutscene. Hopefully I can start adding more new content soon but I'm still working on a commission project with a close deadline. Thank you for you patience and have fun playing! : ) Please leave a rating on Alisa. It would be great support for me and this project! <3 - Casper Croes