​Hello everyone, Here is the second hotfix. What's fixed: - Items in new water room causing softlock should be fixed now - Controls option horizontal movement rapid flickering fixed - Can't access all dresses in closet or shop is fixed - Some enemies sliding around during pause screen or when menu is open is fixed - Black doll enemy now grabbing correctly when trying to attack with sword - First boss leaving his machine bug is now fixed - Auto-aim "on/off" text not clipping through text in status menu anymore (for French, Italian, Japanese) - Boss rewards menu now working as intended - Blocking heavy attacks causing softlock on movement now fixed - New weapons and dresses info in inventory not clipping with other text anymore - Cherub will no longer follow you through another playthrough or savefile - See through benches on top floor now fixed - Black bar in menu in water corridor fixed - Black doll during library cutscene fixed - Black doll song remained after entering the staircases from hallway fixed - Crossbow bolts now correctly sticking in enemies - Glass orb now obtainable from Boss Rewards (if already claimed in save, it's gone from your playthrough) - Cherub not attacking end boss should now work correctly (not tested) - Rope in 2nd room at main hallway replaced with Medkit (as it was intended) - Javelin weapon poke attack not dealing damage fixed - Changed achievement from "get 100 kills" to "get 50 kills". What's still there to fix but need more investigation to be able to fix: - Male Garden Sentinel enemies, and Gunners stuck in a "shuffeling dance" animation. (could be caused by V-sync. try switching it when you come across this bug) - Garden boss losing her AI during swordfight? - Dodge gets you stuck on walls or corners? Dodge can flip you over? - Auto-aim not always responding? (note that auto-aim only aligns you horizontally, not vertically) Thank you for your patience! I hope the game became a lot more playable! : )