[h3]Unstuck[/h3] Added an Unstuck feature from in-game Options which you can use if you became stuck inside an object (collision glitch) [h3]Flip horizontally[/h3] Fixed "Flip Player X" by replacing it with the working version in the world editor. You can now horizontally flip and regenerate the animation of any animated entity, in case they were facing the wrong way. [h3]Quests fix[/h3] Fixed a serious issue where trying to get a new side quest would throw an error if you didn't yet visit all sublocations. This fix applies for all new games. For a workaround when loading an older save, first visit all the town's sublocations before trying to get a new quest from an NPC. [h3]Misc[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed sublocation walls not using customized wall/pillar texture [*] Fixed y-sorting flashing for followers when going to a new location and when NPCs or enemies used a pounce attack [*] Reduced incidence of free cloud saying "[Player]" when generating conversation options [*] Fixed bug where story-acquired item image didn't update if you already equipped it [*] Temporarily removed new character as an event check because it's a nuisance and not working as intended [/list]