[h3]Added mood survival mechanic[/h3] [list] [*] Replenish by interactions which increase your mood [*] Influences xp gain and mana regen [*] Applies “disorient” status effect when depleted [/list] [h3]Added hunger survival mechanic[/h3] [list] [*] Replenish by eating crafted consumables [*] Influences damage and health regen [*] Applies “slow” status effect when depleted [/list] [h3]Other[/h3] [list] [*] Moved world size logic to appear when starting a new game to improve clarity. The default params are still based on your preferences in Options. [*] Added alert sounds for when world is done generating: “Clarity” sound plays when the world is playable but assets aren’t yet finished generating. “Requirements satisfied” sound plays when it’s totally done. [*] Improved loading speed for the menu which pops up for loading saves [*] Fixed player abilities, which now scale correctly with the ability level [*] Fixed summons stuck issue [*] Fixed interactable object options not updating when you increased an attribute while dialog window was open [*] Fixed enemy nameplate not updating if cursor wasn’t right over it [*] Fixed AI determination of summon crowd size [*] Fixed 0 stack size consumable in inventory when reloading save [*] Fixed bug where zone levels were sometimes way too high [/list]