[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44894763/42c4aded7709b0f163907315a983ea2db57ebca2.jpg[/img] Welcome to an exciting October update – covering a host of fixes and quality-of-life improvements, [b]Stability and Performance[/b] fixes, especially in the Scenario Editor and late-game matches, [b]new UI and Social features[/b], including multiplayer lobby browser updates with improved filtering options, along with improvements to the Save/Load menus, and finishing off with [b]Gameplay improvements[/b] to unit AI behavior and formations, improved villager tasking on drop sites, as well as addressing animation and visual issues. So take a peek and jump in to the latest for Age of Mythology: Retold! [quote][b]This is just a small taste of what is coming in the latest update. For a more complete list, please visit our site and check out our blog. Happy Gaming![/b] [table noborder=1 equalcells=1][tr][td][/td][td][url=https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-mythology-retold-update-17-36100/][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44894763/00114bbc2da7cf71f08926f30fc70ef44506b86e.png[/img][/url][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table][/quote] [quote]💬 [b]DISCUSS:[/b] [url=https://forums.ageofempires.com/c/age-of-mythology/11] Age of Mythology: Retold Forum[/url] 💬[b]DISCUSS:[/b] [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1934680/discussions/]Age of Mythology: Retold Steam Forum[/url] 🗣 [b]JOIN:[/b] [url=https://discord.gg/ageofempires] The Age of Empires Official Discord[/url][/quote] Thanks again to our amazing community members, all of whom have helped to make [i]Age of Mythology: Retold[/i] a success thus far! —The [i]Age of Mythology[/i] Team [hr][/hr][code][h1] ◆ Update 17.36100 ◆[/h1][/code][hr][/hr] [quote][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44894763/f82946d112a9e247d6574e888bd6d685bacdf195.jpg[/img] [h3]Stability & Performance[/h3] [list][*] Fixes for various situations where a crash could occur. [*] Fixed a crash that could occur on some Intel GPUs when rendering the Hesperides Tree. [*] Fix for a crash that could occur on some GPUs. [*] Fixed a performance issue that could occur when placing Town Centers in the Scenario Editor or in late-game matches. [*] Various minor fixes for stability and performance. [*] Fix for a situation causing an out-of-sync when wonder age affected a formation. [*] Improved performance when refreshing the current state of your friend list. Players with many friends should no longer experience significant performance drops in the main menu. [*] Fixes for some situations causing loading a save game to fail. [*] Updates to save game formats have happened to ensure ongoing future stability in later patches. If you experience problems with saved games from previous patches please contact support. [*] Fixed an out-of-sync that could occur when multiple players experience a connection interruption simultaneously in a short period. [/list][h3]Localization[/h3] [list][*] Updates for localized strings. [*] Fixes for truncation in some screens when using some languages on controller.[/list][h3]Achievements[/h3] [list][*] Fixes for some achievements unlocking before the intended criteria was met.[/list][h3]Graphics[/h3] [list][*] Fixed a bug causing incorrect animation blending to be applied during some birth animations. [*] VFX updates for Asgardian Bastion, Einheri, Valkyrie, Set Monuments, and more. [*] Fixed flickering that could occur on the Summoning Tree unit. [*] Targets hit by the UFO’s attack will now have the burning shader effect applied. [*] A “zzz” visual effect now displays above idle Villagers. [*] Nidhogg’s range indicator will now display a more accurate path. [*] Fixed a bug causing z-fighting between water and land in some situations on the edge of the world. [*] Fixed a bug causing Centaur arrows to appear incorrectly when their scale increases. [*] Minor visual updates for some units.[/list][h3]UI[/h3] [list][*] Minor ongoing visual improvements to many areas of the UI. [*] Player relationships for units can now be seen in the Unit Stats Panel. [*] Notifications of a full building production queue can no longer be displayed more than once in a row. [*] Fixes for Social Panel UI related to handling friend requests. [*] The Friends list will now appear in a sorted order. Ordered by Online status and then by Name. [*] Favor gatherer count in the UI for Norse now correctly accounts for Godis. [*] Fix for clients’ UI not knowing the current download progress of saved games in a multiplayer lobby. [*] Fix for Spectator HUD power bar colors not updating when switching player sides in 1v1. [*] The Browse Games lobby is now searchable by Game ID, Game ID URLs, and player names. [*] Improvements to the multiplayer browse game screen: [list][*] The list should now show a more complete collection of available games. [*] The screen will no longer prevent you from selecting games when some items in the list have populated. [*] Improvements to the filter functionality to find relevant games. [*] Old games that are stale and no longer active or joinable should be much less likely to appear in the list.[/list][*] 4v4 Ranked and Quick Play is now available when queuing for automated matchmaking. [*] Fixed a bug causing a graphics warning dialog to continue showing after selecting “Don’t Show Again.” [*] File loading dialog can now sort by the Date/Time column and will default to sorting by newest. [*] Fixed a bug causing chat messages to appear twice for the sender in some situations. [*] Fixed an issue with the in-game tech tree, where it could not be properly navigated using controller. [*] Right-clicking minor god portraits will now pre-queue the Age-up. [*] Fixed a bug causing mods intended to be safe for ranked to not be treated as safe. For example, mods including modifications to the 4K UI and some data mods such as String mods should now be safe for ranked. [*] Update to party invite searching to search while typing and allow partial name searches on known friends. [*] Minor visual improvements to the Mods menus. [*] QoL improvements to the Load / Save menus. [*] Fixed a bug causing whisper chats to not send/receive properly. [*] The Tech Tree, Learn Tab, and Chat are now available while queuing for games. [*] Fixed a bug preventing queuing for matchmaking when leaving and re-entering matchmaking quickly.[/list][h3]Hotkeys[/h3] [list][*] Control-Double Click on Atlantean Citizens will avoid selecting units that are not performing the same gathering/hunting action type. [*] Hotkey conflicts are now taken into account when trying to reset hotkeys. [*] Units currently empowering a building are now excluded from Select All Heroes / Military Units hotkeys. [*] Fixed a bug causing the find land military hotkey also to find naval units.[/list][h3]Controller/Xbox[/h3] [list][*] Easy Military Drag Select is now an option on Xbox. [*] Updates to Minimap quality of life for controller players. [*] Added Navigation Waypoints to the controller Minimap. [*] Units added through custom map scripts will now appear in the controller ring menu. [*] Added a new option for fast panning the minimap in controller mode. [*] Livestock and fishing boats can now be moved in the controller Minimap. [*] Marquee selection will no longer function when in the controller Minimap mode. [*] Fixed instructions specific to the controller that were showing incorrectly in some scenarios and menus. [*] Fixed a bug causing gather points to not behave as expected while in the Minimap mode with a unit hovered by the controller cursor. [*] Attack move can now be issued through the controller Minimap. [*] Command all military can now be used in the controller Minimap. [*] Ongoing polish and improvements for controller UI and functionality.[/list] [/quote] [quote][b]This is just a small taste of what is coming in the latest update. For a more complete list, please visit our site and check out our blog. Happy Gaming![/b] [table noborder=1 equalcells=1][tr][td][/td][td][url=https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-mythology-retold-update-17-36100/][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44894763/00114bbc2da7cf71f08926f30fc70ef44506b86e.png[/img][/url][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table][/quote] [quote][h3]:alertalert: [b]DISCLAIMER[/b][/h3]This list is subject to change and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence. For the latest updates and announcements, please visit our [url=https://twitter.com/ageofempires]social channels[/url]. [/quote]