[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44894763/d7268e151a8cafb3378d5b6d368cdf659a27d666.jpg[/img] Starting July 26, all Steam players can play the [i]Age of Mythology: Retold[/i] stress test! Please note this is for Steam and multiplayer only! [h3]The stress test will run for 3-hour time slots each through July 21 at the following times:[/h3] [list][*] July 26 - 5:30 am PT (8:30 am ET / 12:30 UTC) to 9:30 am PT (12:30 pm ET / 16:30 UTC) [b]Extended by one hour[/b] [*] July 27 - 5:30 am PT (8:30 am ET / 12:30 UTC) to 8:30 am PT (11:30 am ET / 15:30 UTC) [*] July 28- 5:30 am PT (8:30 am ET / 12:30 UTC) to 8:30 am PT (11:30 am ET / 15:30 UTC)[/list] [quote]If you try to access the Stress Test outside of the hours above, you'll receive an in-game pop-up that reads "You have lost network connectivity. Please check your Internet connection and restart the game." This indicates that the Stress Test is disabled until the next session. Please see above for the Stress Test times/schedule[/quote] [i][b]The Known Issues of the Stress Test build do not represent our current state of production, and does not represent the final product that will become available on August 28th with Advanced Access. [/b][/i] [b]Stress Test Known Issues:[/b] [b]General[/b] [list] [*]Not all localization is present for supported game languages. [*]Brightness options are not yet available in the Settings options. [*]Win Rates for both Ranked and Customs games are currently tracked together. [*]Voice Chat is currently disabled. [*]Desyncs may still occur, including on Steam Deck. [*]Steam Deck Users will be unable to join multiplayer matches hosted by non-Steam Deck users. [*]Games may freeze when viewing in Spectator Mode. [*]Some Spectating functions are still underway, including the timeline slider, restart button, and player colors. [*]Players attempting to Spectate a late game may experience a blocking pop-up. [/list] [b]Gameplay[/b] [list] [*]Villagers may get temporarily stuck between other villagers when gathering in narrow spots. [*]Villagers may get periodically stuck in the drop-off animation in rare cases. [*]Villagers may poorly distribute across trees when tasking a larger group onto a single tree. [*]Building Rally Points are not visible. [*]Units may rarely get stuck when pathing near corners of buildings. [*]Player colors may mismatch on the Spectator mode panels. [*]Fishing Ships may get stuck when moving to a rally point after spawning or moving to an occupied fishing spot. [/list] Grab a friend, hop in, and come join us! [hr][/hr] [h3]Picked Up Your Copy Yet?[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1934680/Age_of_Mythology_Retold/