[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44894763/d7268e151a8cafb3378d5b6d368cdf659a27d666.jpg[/img] Hello [i]Age of Mythology[/i] fans! We’re hosting another opportunity to play [i]Age of Mythology: Retold[/i], this time you’re going to be putting the servers to the test! The Stress Test will run between July 26th through the 28th for limited 3-hour time slots each day. This will be Multiplayer only and only available through Steam. Grab a friend or two, hop in, and have some fun of mythic proportions! The best part? You do not have to own [i]Age of Mythology: Retold[/i] to play! [h2]When to Play[/h2] The Age of Mythology: Retold Stress Test will be available to pre-download 6 hours beforehand and will be running through the following times: [list][*] Friday, July 26 – 5:30 am PT (8:30 am ET / 12:30 UTC) to 8:30 am PT (11:30 am ET / 15:30 UTC) [*] Saturday, July 27 – 5:30 am PT (8:30 am ET / 12:30 UTC) to 8:30 am PT (11:30 am ET / 15:30 UTC) [*] Sunday, July 28 – 5:30 am PT (8:30 am ET / 12:30 UTC) to 8:30 am PT (11:30 am ET / 15:30 UTC)[/list] [quote][b]Please note:[/b] You’ll be able to download the stress test early, starting on Thursday, July 25th 11:30 pm PT (2:30 am ET / 06:30 UTC on July 26th) but unable to play until the start of the stress test. [b]Players can only participate during the above time windows. Once the stress test is over, you will no longer be able to access the game.[/b][/quote] [h2]How to Play[/h2] Anybody on the Steam platform can participate! The first Stress Test is due to commence on Friday, July 26 at 5:30 am PT (8:30 am ET / 12:30 UTC). [olist][*] Simply navigate to the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1934680/Age_of_Mythology_Retold/][i]Age of Mythology: Retold[/i] Steam Store Page[/url] to sign up. [*] Click on the green “Request Access” button. [*] You will receive a pop-up message within Steam to confirm your access to the stress test. [*] You will also receive an email from Steam when you get added to a Playtest. You will also see your status on the store page for the base game. [*] Then keep an eye out for an email notification from Steam when we are ready to accept more participants![/olist] [table equalcells=1 noborder=1][tr][td][/td][td][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1934680/Age_of_Mythology_Retold/][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44894763/37ead5687110355d2c3ca81dc670c7bc0b1578bf.png[/img][/url][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table] [h2]An Update on Pathfinding[/h2] During the [i]Age of Mythology: Retold[/i] Closed Beta, we closely followed and monitored your feedback. The teams are hard at work analyzing areas of concern you’ve raised, and Pathfinding remains an area we continue to improve and iterate upon. While many of your reports were in line with our Known Issues, we’d appreciate if you continue supplying your Bug Reports and Recorded Game Files on the official [i]Age of Empires[/i] Forums during the Stress Test. The more information and cases we have to study, the more efficiently our teams can continue to diagnose and work towards resolving them. Please keep those reports coming! [h2]How to Report Bugs/Issues[/h2] Visit the official [url=https://forums.ageofempires.com/c/age-of-mythology-retold-beta/397][i]Age of Empires[/i] Forums[/url] or the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1934680/discussions/1/]Steam Forums[/url] to report any bugs or give any feedback. [h2]FAQ[/h2] [list][*][b]What are the dates of this Stress Test?[/b] [list][*] Friday, July 26 – 5:30 am PT (8:30 am ET / 12:30 UTC) to 8:30 am PT (11:30 am ET / 15:30 UTC) [*] Saturday, July 27 – 5:30 am PT (8:30 am ET / 12:30 UTC) to 8:30 am PT (11:30 am ET / 15:30 UTC) [*] Sunday, July 28 – 5:30 am PT (8:30 am ET / 12:30 UTC) to 8:30 am PT (11:30 am ET / 15:30 UTC)[/list] [*][b]Which Platforms is this Stress Test available on?[/b] [list][*]Steam only[/list] [*][b]If I haven’t purchased [i]Age of Mythology: Retold[/i] yet, can I still participate in the Stress Test?[/b] [list][*]Yes! Everyone on Steam can access the Stress Test from the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1934680/Age_of_Mythology_Retold/]Age of Mythology: Retold Steam Page[/url], regardless of whether you have purchased the game or not.[/list] [*][b]How do I install the [i]Age of Mythology: Retold[/i] Stress Test?[/b] [list][*]Navigate to the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1934680/Age_of_Mythology_Retold/][i]Age of Mythology: Retold[/i] Steam Store Page[/url] and sign up there.[/list] [*][b]How will players be notified when they have been granted access to the Playtest?[/b] [list][*]Players receive an email from Steam when they are added to a Playtest. They will also see their status on the store page for the base game.[/list] [*][b]I am experiencing a bug or issue, where can I report it?[/b] [list][*]Please visit the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1934680/discussions/1/]Steam Forums[/url] or the official [url=https://forums.ageofempires.com/c/age-of-mythology-retold-beta/397][i]Age of Empires[/i] Forums[/url] to report any bugs or give any feedback.[/list] [*][b]What happens if I try to play a game while the servers are disabled?[/b] [list][*]When users try to click the Multiplayer button, you'll receive an in-game pop-up that reads "You have lost network connectivity. Please check your Internet connection and restart the game." This indicates that the Stress Test is disabled until the next session. Please see above for the Stress Test times/schedule.[/list][/list] For additional any additional questions, please visit our Support Site: [url=https://aoe.ms/Myth-Retold-Support]https://aoe.ms/Myth-Retold-Support[/url] [h2]Known Issues[/h2] [list][*] Not all localization is present for supported game languages. [*] Brightness options are not yet available in the Settings options. [*] It has been observed that the player is unable to access the “Villager Priority” menu during a skirmish or campaign match after exiting the tutorial. [*] Steam Deck Users will be unable to join multiplayer matches hosted by non-Steam Deck users. [*] Villagers may get temporarily stuck between other villagers when gathering in narrow spots. [*] Villagers may get periodically stuck in the dropoff animation in rare cases. [*] Villagers may poorly distribute across trees when tasking a larger group onto a single tree. [*] Building Rally Points are not visible. [*] Units may rarely get stuck when pathing near corners of buildings. [*] Player colors may mismatch on the Spectator mode panels.[/list] [h1]Will You Become Mythic? Pre-Order Now![/h1] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1934680/Age_of_Mythology_Retold/