
Ink Soundtrack - Detailed Information

Ink Soundtrack
Supported OS Windows macOS Linux
Release Date 14 July 2022
Developers Amstad Digital
Publishers Amstad Digital
Sold copies ~ 10,000
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About this soundtrack   Hardware Requirements
"Sometimes words alone can't paint the whole picture."
A VR game about depression.
Change the dim world, fill it with light.
Each inky struggle improves your sight.

In real life as in game the isolation is absolute, yet you are never alone in your suffering and struggle, so many suffered before you with you and long after you are gone. A game, a virtual symbolic space for introspection and calm confrontation with the topic depression. No instrumentalizing of depression for a story. Depression is the story. with its duality, undramatic yet all consuming, Isolating and yet indirectly unifying aspects. if you need a place to confront yourself with the topic depression, for your own sake or others you love, this is our effort to create it.

Depression is isolating "single player" but the experience of the game "topic depression" is unifying. Depression realness served by depressees for depressees.