[h1][b]Snakby is planning to hold an art exhibition with his best works. Can you help him by sending some fanart? [/b][/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35443786/b994412a50ec77fe13453a7bba93a9ee583319f6.png[/img] [b]How do I participate?[/b] Submit one or more DEPO drawings through the official [b]Discord[/b] (discord.gg/5H7uPAK) or through the [b]Artworks[/b] section on Steam. [b]Will all fan artwork be added to the game?[/b] It is possible that, due to the high number of submissions, not all will be added or rotated over time. Those not related to DEPO or featuring controversial topics will not be added. [b]What format and resolution should the fanart be in?[/b]. You can draw your illustration in any format (on paper and then scanned or directly in digital) and in any kind of resolution (horizontal, vertical, square, etc...). [b]What can I draw?[/b] Anything you want, as long as it is related to DEPO. [b]What's the deadline?[/b] Snakby plans to open the doors of his art gallery on September 1, 2022, so as long as you submit your fanart before that date, there should be no problem getting it added.