[b]Shike wants to throw the biggest Halloween party ever in the system! Will you help him by creating some costumes?[/b]. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35443786/07b8cdabf5586289aca740d2847b39b7c5579d72.png[/img] [b]WHAT IS THE COMPETITION ABOUT?[/b] On 10/29/22 a small content will be released that will change Shike's file for a few days for a somewhat... creepy version. The pixels want to dress up as scary things but can't find inspiration. Help them! Create your own Halloween costume designs to dress up the pixels for the holiday. [b]What do I have to do?[/b] You will need to draw a pixel in a Halloween costume. Make a drawing (digital or on paper) and upload it to the DEPO discord or to the Artworks category on Steam. [b]WHAT'S THE PRIZE?[/b] The best designs will be added as in-game costumes at Shike's halloween party. Also the best drawings will be added to Snakby's art gallery. Also just for participating you will get the role of Wave on the Discord server. [b]WHEN DOES IT END?[/b] The contest ends on the 28th of October as on the 29th when DEPO will update with the winners. [b]HOW LONG WILL THE HALLOWEN PARTY LAST IN SHIKE'S ARCHIVE?[/b] From October 29th until November 2nd all the pixels in the file will wear the costumes.