Hey there. Spell effects have greatly been improved and there is a new version of the Pumpkin Prologue available to give them a try. But first, let's check out the updated trailer: [url=https://www.indiedb.com/games/zpellcatz/videos/pumpkin-prologue-trailer-june-2022]https://www.indiedb.com/games/zpellcatz/videos/pumpkin-prologue-trailer-june-2022[/url] Here are the patch notes for the current version: [b]"Dark Harvest" Update (0.94.0) June '22[/b] *** General *** - Improved spell visuals effects - Mountains now have a slightly different color for each height level - Improved destructable death animation - Steam Cloud now correctly works for cross-platform (Windows / Linux) *** Shaman *** - Increased "Ice Missiles" shot speed by 50% - Updated "Ice Missiles" description *** Pumpkin Prologue *** - The epic item "Dark Harvest" is now a guaranteed drop (one time only) - Slightly adjusted the base resistances of Traulicht - Fixed a bug that occasionally caused a black screen when entering a room [url=https://www.simagames.com/games/zpellcatz-assets/zpellcatz-changelog.html]Full Changelog[/url] A guaranteed epic item drop? Yep! The later parts of the prologue needed something interesting, so I decided to add this guaranteed epic. I really like playing around with the totem refresh mechanic. Have a look: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41161122/6895ba61850b3389a0f78728cf66af75fbfee44f.jpg[/img] Want to try the new spell visuals, the "Dark Harvest" or the sped up Ice Missiles? Play the Pumpkin Prologue for free, here on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1679590/ZpellCatz_Pumpkin_Prologue/