[h2]Greetings, Commanders![/h2] How's your journey through Zoria going? We hope you're having a blast! We've been hard at work to bring you some exciting improvements and fixes. Ready to dive into the details? 😊 [h2]Patch 1.1.2 Highlights[/h2] 🛡️ [b]Gear Durability[/b]: Gear durability is now adjusted based on the chosen game difficulty. On Easy and Normal difficulties, your gear will break less often. 💾 [b]Save Synchronization[/b]: We've fixed potential save-synchronization issues related to follower stats when changing squad members. 📜 [b]Quest Interface/Dialogue[/b]: Added shortcuts for selecting quest entries and provided full keyboard control for the dialogue interface. ⚔️ [b]Combat Review Screen[/b]: Fixed XP gain and level-up information to ensure it syncs correctly with actual follower data. 📚 [b]Compendium[/b]: Fixed missing compendium images for Lizardman. 🎙️[b]Voiceover[/b]: Prevented the low-high-low transition of background sounds during dialogues that have voice-over. 🛠️ [b]New Consumable Types[/b]: [IMPORTANT] Introduced new consumable types that replace blocking follower traits such as Demolition, Engineering, Dispel, Conjuration, and Disarm. These kits are now available for purchase from merchants around the Zoria world [h3]🌜We'd be over the moon if you left a review after playing Zoria 🌛[/h3] It's the best way for us to evaluate what works and what could be improved. We're continuously working on making Zoria as great as it can be. And if you happen to come across any bugs, please let us know about it by using this form [[url=https://forms.gle/nB5t2MnB7yHFp1S4A][b]link[/b][/url]]. By filling out the form, we will learn firsthand about any potential issues, and it will be much easier for us to track and solve them. Thank you! See you in the next update, Tiny Trinket Games Follow us on [url=https://twitter.com/ZoriaGame][b]Twitter[/b][/url] and join our [url=https://discord.com/invite/k3fPxX8][b]Discord[/b][/url], where we are almost always available, reading through your feedback and answering your questions. ───────────────────────────────────────────── https://store.steampowered.com/app/1159090/Zoria_Age_of_Shattering/ ───────────────────────────────────────────── [h3][b]Previous Update ⚔️[/b][/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1159090/view/4176604235123674159