[h2]Welcome, travelers of the Uram continent! [/h2] I have gathered you here today to tell you about your upcoming duties and the companions with whom you will [b]undertake them. [/b]The times are hard, and the quest is challenging, so you must be extremely cautious when selecting [b]who you will befriend. [/b] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35921056/b4bb1e1cb8f902e28f0f2142ee67e24ed6283b97.png[/img] In Zoria,[b] ten different specializations[/b] of warriors may join our team. You, as a commander, will be out of this category, serving more as a [b]support but in a unique way[/b]. Two characters will represent each class with their [b]own story, motivations, and wits. [/b] Your followers are critical to the success of your mission. Whether recruited through the Inn or from various quests, your companions represent your [b]most significant investment and resource[/b] since your adventure is squad-based, and only good use of the squad system can ensure success. [img]https://i.ibb.co/BtVnXc3/r4.png[/img] For most of the exploration, you will [b]control the main character in real time[/b], with the squad following every step you take. However, during the combat, every character will be[b] ready to carry out your order.[/b] Let's have a closer look at some of the classes in Zoria. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35921056/4a0178d27ed54a2ccbda304efa855cea208a154d.png[/img] In addition to the above, the game will also include the following: [list] [b][*]Ranger [*]Thief [*]Wizard [*]Priest [*]Bard [*]Nightwarden[/b] [/list] [h2]Team composition[/h2] As you've probably already guessed, [b]only a good combination[/b] of your companions' classes can bring success on the battlefield. A team of rangers alone would be spectacular and look great on defensive walls, while their effectiveness would be [b]very low in a close encounter. [/b] [img]https://i.ibb.co/JQ6Nc51/ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif[/img] There is another reason why you should be especially careful in choosing teammates. In the world of Zoria, there are objects that only a [b]character with the right abilities can interact with[/b]. Hence, [b]Battle Clerics can interact with Shrines of Nerdalye [/b]to replenish the party's health, and Wizard can [b]create magical bridges[/b] over which the whole team can safely cross to the other side. ------------------ Concluding my story, I hope it has made you look forward to Zoria even more.[b] The year 2023 is very close[/b], and in a few months, you will see the result of our dream to create a full-blooded RPG. In the meantime, we wish you a [b]peaceful holiday and a happy new year! [/b] [url=https://discord.com/invite/k3fPxX8][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35921056/d029a793af54184beabe368f4d69a5d886e66078.png[/img][/url]