Update notes for release 60.7
Author: Zorbus,
published 1 month ago,
[*] Some UI work:
[*] Worked on some of the menu layouts to fit more text in the infoboxes.
[*] You can press F1 (or either thumbstick on the controller) to toggle an enlarged infobox.
[*] You can now increment the interface zoom by 1 point instead of 10.
[*] Better handling of very high interface zoom levels.[/list][*] New setting: "Autopilot delay": The amount of delay when "Draw screen when continuously walking" or "Draw screen autopiloting" is checked.
[*] Zorbupedia and the PDF manual now has entries for "Darkvision" and "Stealth vs perception".
[*] If a creature does not see the player, the "?" mark on it is green if hiding was very successful, yellow otherwise. (very successful = stealth was 10 or more points higher than perception)
[*] Dualstrike talent is now usable with reach weapons when the target is one step away. (thanks to TolkienCat for mentioning)
[*] Companions now use a talent point on ability boost talents if they have 2 talent points but don't yet fill requirements of other talents. (thanks to TolkienCat for mentioning)
[*] Companions no longer pick Spirited Learner talent if Spirit ability is equal or lower to Mind. (thanks to TolkienCat for mentioning)
[*] Fixed a bug where companions could pick the Bloodlust talent twice. (thanks to TolkienCat for mentioning)
[*] Fixed a bug where you could waste a flask on everlasting ammunition.